Building Information/Schedule
Parents Emergency Closing\Delayed Opening
The Stamford Public School District website is school cancellations and delays should be posted on the site by 6 a.m. on school days.
Early Release Days: Dismissal time on early release days is promptly at 12:30 p.m..
- The district uses School Messenger/Remind to place automatic calls\text to every family regarding snow cancellations/delays. It is very important for families to contact their school's main office with any change of contact information, so that they can be reached in an emergency.
- School cancellations and delays are also broadcasted on Regional TV and radio stations.
In the morning, we provide supervision for students 15 minutes prior to the start of the school day in our gymnasium. This is 7:40 a.m. on a normal school day and 9:40 a.m. on a delayed opening. Reminder: there is no supervision prior to these times. Students may not be dropped off for their own safety. Dropping your child off earlier than these supervised times is not safe for your children. All students participating in this before school care MUST have a book to read. Media Center services are not available at this time.
It is extremely important that you arrange to have your child picked up between 2:40 p.m. and 2:55 p.m. if they are a car rider or walker. We contact people identified by you on the emergency card to come and get your child if the following occurs: your child does not leave the school according to his or her usual routine, or your child is not picked up by you or your designee at dismissal time. If we are unable to reach anyone, we are directed to leave your child in the care of Roscco/Stillco. Such a situation can be stressful for a child, we encourage you to prevent its occurrence. If you need to change your child's mode of transportation, a note must be sent to your child's teacher and the main office. Telephone requests without written notification will not be honored.
If there are custodial or guardianship arrangements, please provide us with appropriate documentation. We must allow any parent to see or take a child unless we have legal papers that authorize limitations. These limitations may include divorce/separation/ guardianship terms, or court restraining orders. If problems arise our actions can be properly assertive with proper documentation.