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Stillmeadow's Bill of Rights

 I Have The Responsibility….

I have the responsibility to make sure that others are happy and treated with compassion in our school: This means I will not laugh at others or hurt their feelings.

 I have the responsibility to let others be themselves in this school: This means I will treat others fairly, no matter the color of their skin, size of their body, girl or boy or how they identify their self.

I have the responsibility to let others be safe in this school: This means I will keep my hands and feet to myself. I will not hit, kick, push, pinch or hurt others.

I have the responsibility to let others hear or be heard in this school: This means I will keep my volume down. I will not yell, scream, shout, or make loud noises.

I have the responsibility to let others learn about themselves in this school: This means I will let others express their feelings and opinions in a respectful manner without me interrupting them.

I have the responsibility to show respect to the adults in this school: This means I will be polite and courteous when talking to an adult.

I have the responsibility to think about others before I think about myself: This means I will be considerate of others and it is not all about me.

I have the responsibility to learn about my emotions at school. This means I will express how I am feeling, and share the cause of my emotions. This will help me to become better at understanding things that have a positive or negative impact on my readiness for school.

I have the responsibility to regulate my emotions at school. This means I will express my excitement, happiness, anger or disappointment in a way that meets the standards of good citizenship. This will help me move to a place of readiness for learning and expressing myself. 

I have the responsibility to let others learn at school. This means I will be engaged and attentive to the teachers’ instruction and allow students to participate in learning.